In every class, your teacher’s listen to you. You’ll find yourself deep in discussion with your classmates about the books you’re reading, or working with a peer editor on a paper you’re writing, or using a hammer to build your engineering project. You’ll make the best friends you’ve ever had. You’ll play together, help each other study for a test or give each other a hug when you’re having a bad day. You’ll cheer each other on during games and give a standing ovation at the concert.
Your teachers will be there for you when you need a little extra help – or just to chat. They’ll know how you did in the soccer tournament or come watch you in your outside ballet performance. They’ll trust you to do what’s right, and support you when you’re trying to figure that out.
The heart of Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Vaduthala is close, supportive and trusting relationships between students and teachers, and between students and their friends.
Students will learn to become self-sufficient, not just in their Academics, Arts and Athletics, but also in life skills. A vital clubs program, developed and initiated by students, continues to thrive. Student council is the voice of the student body, and those voices are heard and valued on a wide-range of committees.
Rohan Praveen
2018-19 Batch